Over my enjoyable weekend of 3 year old birthday parties, bad Mexican food, and lack of sleep, the FBI was working all hours to arrest Najibullah Zazi, a 24 year old airport shuttle driver, apparently for plots against the US, I mean New York, or maybe just the NY football stadium.
ABC News reports that "authorities say [this plot] was 'the real deal'... agents say they discovered nine pages of handwritten notes in Zazi's computer with details on how to make a homemade bomb"
>>>>>>>>>>>>Maybe it was like this one>>>>>
Supposedly, after I'm sure a brutal torturing/questioning, he admitted the notes were his and that he received training in Pakistan about weapons and explosives. I think they said the school was named "MAKE BOMBS HERE" but our government decided not to look into that...
So what's the other proof? Law enforcement and [un]intelligen[t] officials say that Zazi has gone to Pakistan in August 2008 and January 2009 but that he maintained he was only there to visit his wife. Apparently the text messages that said "the wedding cake is ready" meant that he was ready to make something explode.
It's not that Beatnik Babble Broadcast is for terrorism, not at all! It is just in my experience of news/government/terrorism that you don't believe everything you hear. Take for example the attacks on New York on the date September 11, 2001, you've all heard of it, yeah? Well, it might just be me, but do you guys remember the government plastering TERROR SUSPECT IN CUSTODY, TERROR SUSPECT ARRESTED all over the newspapers? Yeah? Well then you have to remember that not one of them was jailed for actually being a terror suspect.
They ran America in circles so we thought that they were getting somewhere.
So... I guess this might be a little off topic but do you remember all the attacks during 9/11? There was the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, that field in Pennsylvania, and Building 7. So ummm, the attack on all these buildings/areas happened at the same time. They were the same terrorist attack. One of the most pivotal points as to why I don't trust the government and American News is because... what happened to building 7?
The facts are there but the answers to American questions are not! So building 7 fell like it was a controlled demolition. When American's noticed that, the government tried convincing them of the 'fire theory' but that didn't work because not all of us are immensely stupid. The fact is, that in the 9/11 commission report, building 7 isn't even mentioned! WTF?! Not to mention that the giant hole in the ground in Pennsylvania had no plane parts, I guess the explosion/fuel incinerated everything. And I'm sure if you'd like to look into the attack on the Pentagon, you would find the same results.
If you would like to see a wonderful documentary on the subject, go here. It looks like our government finally allowed this video to be put back on googlevideos.
But anyway, we do indeed have a new president who at least has less of an angle to his approval rate graph unlike someone we used to know...
And President Obama doesn't seem like he needs a fake mass catastrophe to get America behind him so it is doubtful that 'officials' are making up that this guy Zazi has ties to Al Queda. I'm just saying beware, don't just take everything the 6pm news tells you and call it the truth with a gold plaque.
But just so we're clear, this is technically a conspiracy theory and therefore should be treated as one.
Today's moral: If you would like to change almost the entire American constitution, scare the bejesus out of everyone in the nation by blowing up some buildings and blame it on another country.
Potent stuff here... In order to make the best use of it, and alert others to its presence, I suggest you add a detailed Description (Settings) and add a Text Gadget (Layout) with a summary of what you are up to.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, is it inappropriate? I couldn't find the correct settings but you can show me in class
ReplyDeleteI had a long conversation with my roommate the other night about my post, and she is very anti-conspiracy theory and she definitely made me realize the harshness of my original post. I made some changes to it to point out not that I am a complete crazy anti-americanm but that there are oddities out there about that certain event and that people should be aware of them. The point of the post was to open others to the idea that not everything the news reports is in complete truth, and maybe it's not the news' fault, but rather the 'officials' who give them the information