in Sunnyside Washington. Isabel Hernandez, the 34 year old aspiring speed racer, was reported to have been parked in the Valley View Market lot before she accelerated at an exceeding high rate of speed in reverse (she was obviously trying to bring media attention to her new sport pitch before getting smacked with a huge reckless driving citation).
What she forgot to check for before she pulled a 'Kanye' aka an attention grabbing stunt, to further her own agenda, was behind her. While in reverse, little Yasmin Frausto was walking slightly b

The situation was bleak and there was not much hope that the girl had not been instantly crushed by sheer stupidity. Amazingly, after the car took flight it landed on top of the next parking pole, saving Yasmin's little life. The clincher of the story is that Yasmin was afraid of her parents safety just as her parents were worried for her's since the three of them were unscathed on either side of the car.
Here at Beatnik Babble Broadcast we can show you this exclusive video of the almost-accident.
By the way, did anyone see the guy in the shorts to the left of the car after the crash just walk inside like nothing happened? That's why you don't do drugs. We did suggest that Isabel Hernandez be tested for drugs, alcohol, and stupidity overdose, but she was only found with the latter so the men in blue could only suspend her license. Good thing those parking poles were there!
The only intelligent thing that transpired was when Hernandez bought a Toyota Camry. The Camry is rated by MSN as one of the top 25 safest cars (and yes we understand that the safety rating of the Camry had little or nothing to do with Yasmin Frausto's life but we're just going to go with the flow). MSN saftey ratings are based upon accident avoidance, crash protection, and overall safety which is tested and calculated by a man with a Detroit trucker hat and a clipboard.
Yes the average American takes safety into consideration when purchasing a vehicle but associate editor for Car and Driver magazine Daniel Pund, says there's no such thing as a totally safe car... "because [we can't give bad drivers and assholes lessons]...," But Pund says government testing and legislation are trying to iron that out. "For example, they're all now required to have air bags. Vehicles are safer today than they were 15 or 20 years ago [but the driver's aren't]. There's no question that cars are better designed these days to handle crashes."
Today's Moral: Don't buy cars from GM because their safety measures are below those of their competitors and put parking poles around your entire yard (if you have one, just in front of the windows and doors is fine).
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