As you can see, the media coverage on this guy is Tmichealjackson minus 8. So what do I see this morning when I turn on Good Morning America? Jon Gosselin going to a spiritual adviser for... advice. From what I've seen, it's kind of obvious he needs some sort of advice, but what got me angry was when it was reported that the spiritual advisor said Gosselin can be a better man ... "and we know this because the meeting was in public" said one of GMAs anchormen.
OF COURSE! When you need some spiritual advice on how to deal with fame and your family... you should do it in public! That makes complete sense.
GMA further reported that, while talking "to" Rabbi

From watching the GMA clip, all you can see is Senor Jon talking about his pitiful life and Mr. Spirit Man nodding encouragingly. Seems pretty spiritual to me. The story also went into his

The only words out of the rabbi's mouth, when asked about Jon's behavior was, "I think he's under phenomenal pressure and not that there's any excuse for it but there is an explanation for it" Can someone please send the coast guard to this island that is flooding with double standards and media nonsense? Obviously stress in no excuse, its only an explanation... not that there is any god damn difference!
Jon Gosselin is a media hog. He has awarded himself with an avalanche of bad media throughout the last year and in return he was publicly spiritually "evaluated" so everyone who is either addicted to the saga, or unfortunately stumbled upon it will know that , "No! I am not a bad man!"

Definitely the kind of news I like to wake up to.
Moral of the day: Carry an airplane styled puking bag before you turn on channel 7, or any other nonsense news channel for that matter.
Thanks for introducing me to the rabbi. I, too, am in search of spiritual advice. And--a bit or British understatement here, if you will--he seems just the guy to get it from.