There he is, our angel coming down from heaven on a flying white unicorn. This picture was taken after President Obama gave his heartwarming speech today for the IOC (International Olympic Commitee) as well as his wife, Michelle.
Chicago 2016’s bid leader, Patrick Ryan talked a few weeks ago about the possibility of losing this race. He said it all — THREE YEARS and TENS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in fund-raising/tax payer money/debt to cover expenses — would have been worth it.
Worth it eh? I was reading the Redeye today, and they reported that 47% of people were for the games and 45% of people were against them. Those kind of opposition numbers could certainly be cause for a riot/another war we can't afford to throw ourselves into...

The people who made this lovely interpretation
Maybe the IOC didn't like the lack of support in Chicago... what with videos like this one floating around youtube like it aint no thang.
What Beatnik Babble Broadcast heard was that some members on the IOC didn't like the Obama's overly-business-like nature which could be quite probable. We have heard also that the IOC is crazy.
So with people sobbing over in the business 
We are shamed. We are losers. And what does Mayor Daley have to say? He says he doesn't have anything up his sleeves for our awful, painful, ugly economy.
Lost in the IOC vote today were billions of dollars in construction contracts, potentially tens of thousands of jobs and a chance to remake large parts of the lakefront metropolis.
It was also a personal embarrassment for Mayor Richard Daley, who had pushed back against some strong local opposition and strong-armed the City Council into guaranteeing the financial portion of the city's bid. Also in the RedEye, Mr. Kurt Summers, who WAS the chief staff member for the olympics, said "If the people of Chicago weren't behind this, we wouldn't have gotten a resounding message of the City Council".
Oh yeah? Is that how you saw it Senor Kurt? I think that man is either stupid, or has been lying to himself for too long that he doesn't know his ass from his mouth. I'm not sure what went into having such a "resounding message" at city council, but it certainly wasn't the other HALF of the city that never wanted the games here in the first place.
So like I asked, what happens now? Representatives of the 2016 Committee said on many occasions at public meetings that this was the plan for jobs and prosperity for our future. There appears to be no plan B."
Way to go! Glad you gave thousands of people and companies HOPE for a brighter, greener future, but since it didn't work out, you've gone and fucked this city into a hole deeper than it was in the first place.
Moral of the day: Ask to be paid in cash, all of you. Save it in a safe at home. And screw taxes and Mayor Daley.
Love the biting (but fair?) tone here. Your blog is pigging up speed!